Fill out the required information being as detailed and specific as possible
Your AI Training Coach will then create a customized program based on your goals and needs
Review the program and make note of any questions or concerns
Using the AI Programming Check-In
Select AI Programming Check-in from the main page
Fill in the required fields in as much detail as possible with information such as specific challenges, upcoming events, changes in circumstances, and anything else that you’d tell a human coach!
Your AI Training Coach will analyze your feedback and progress then provide a detailed plan for how to progress.
Use the AI Programming Check-in feature weekly for best results
Best Practices
Be as detailed and consistent as possible with checking in.
Your AI Training Coach is only as good as the feedback it gets so make sure to be honest.
All questions or requests for clarification regarding your programming and updates can be taken to the P2 Chatbot (option 1) or Discord (option 2)
For more detailed troubleshooting, you can book a call with one of the P2 coaches at any time through your Portal!